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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for DSC

What is Digital Signature Certificate?
Digital signatures Certificate is an online identity on internet, which can be used to ensure the integrity and authenticity of some data, such as an e-mail message and protect against non-repudiation.

Where do we need Digital Signature Certificates?
Digital Signature Certificate is used for secure email and web-based transactions, or to identify other participants of web-based transactions. It is also used to proving authorship of a code and retains integrity of the distributed software programs. With Digital Signature Certificates are used for signing web forms, e-tendering documents, income tax returns, Sales Tax, VAT etc.

Why do we need Digital Signature Certificates?
Digital Signature Certificate provides an electronic means of proving your identity. It also provides you with a high level of security for your online transactions. You can use certificates to encrypt information such that only the intended recipient can read it. You can digitally sign information to provide assurance to the recipient that it has not been changed in transit, and enable verification that you actually sent the message.

Company XYZ Ltd. has asked to take a digital signature certificate for e-procurement which certificate should we purchase or does my old certificate which I have is also applicable here?
Send the name of the company for which you want to purchase or use the old certificate with details in the feedback corner we will guide you.

Minimum Configuration to comfortably use the Digital signature certificates on any portals available:
 We recommend the following;
Internet Explorer: Version 6.0 with 128-bit cipher strength and JavaScript enabled

Operating Systems
  • Windows 2000 Service Pack – IV, Windows XP Service Pack – II

Hardware Requirements

  • 486 or higher processor
  • Minimum 256 MB RAM
  • USB Port

Minimum Software Requirements

Reliable Internet Connectivity

  • Preferably on connection 128 mbps
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